Friday, March 07, 2008


It's good to be back in blogland. It's very true that my blog dusting hasn't materialized, but I have a pretty good excuse. In the process of moving to the land (we're here now, more on that in a later post) our phone service was cut off too early, which caused us to lose internet service on Feb. 25. Even when they hooked the phone back up temporarily, our internet wouldn't work, and we just regained internet access yesterday. Lord willing, the blog dusting will begin without further ado later today. I've also been tagged for a meme, but I'll need a day to come up with seven random and weird facts about myself. I'm just not that weird. :)


1 comment:

Lady Why said...

~wild uproarious applause from the masses upon hearing the wonderful news that the blog is being revived and resuscitated~

OK, we forgive you since you didn't have an internet and all. I guess that's a worthy excuse! ;-)