Thursday, August 17, 2006

Missing Comments: Found!

Stonewall and Sherlock created this blog late one night, two days before we left for Texas. Their goal was to get the blog up and running before we left -- just the basics, so that we could journal our trip. They didn't have all the "kinks" worked out (and still haven't), but Sherlock did just figure out how to get to the comments that were sent during our trip. He has now posted them to the blog. Yeah!! We so much enjoyed reading them and wish we could have read and answered them while we were gone. However, we are glad to get to read them now and plan on answering the ones requesting narrations --Sherlock's narration on Joel Salatin is in the works, so stay tuned. Blogging on a trip was an interesting experience. Not only was it neat to think that our friends and family could keep up with us (if they so desired), but it was a great family journal for me to print and put in our scrapbook. You know, technology has its benefits! (Speaking of technology, Isaac Botkin had a great discussion on technologythat Smokestack enjoyed) Of course, it was hard to keep up with blogging since it was such a BUSY vacation. So, as a type of "field trip" report, we will be blogging over the next week, or so, our narrations, ideas, thoughts, etc. of what we learned from the places we saw and especially the conference. I think this will continue our great educational experience and fit right in with our "official" school starting Monday, Lord willing. ~Stonewall's Esposa

1 comment:

Lady Why said...

Yippeee!!! I can't wait for all those great narrations! I think we'll add 'reading the Pilgrims blog' as our first subject of the day for school. Those are going to be some GREAT (and highly educational) posts! All those narrations of all those wonderful lectures... pinch me! I must be dreaming!!