Friday, May 16, 2008

This Week on the Farm

This is the first of a regular Friday column we're beginning in order to keep our friends updated.

Smokestack worked on catching two bee swarms that came from his hives early this week. The first one settled high up in a tree, so our grandpa cut it down and they put the bees in a new hive. It looks like we'll have a good first harvest of honey next week. You can see me to the right.

We got a good bit of rain this week, and the grass is green and growing. The white clover out in the pasture is coming on strong, and that should increase the palatability of the stand, which has been quite coarse, and increase the daily gain of my heifers. The heifers are getting ever fatter and the market has trended upwards tremendously since I bought them.

By far the most exciting happening this week, however, was getting our chickens! They came early yesterday morning (already two days old!) and have settled down very well. I haven't lost any at all yet. I praise God for the many blessings he has bestowed on our endeavors.


Mrs. Wolfe said...

A Friday column is a wonderful idea! I can't wait for more updates!

Those little chickens are extremely cute!! Could someone please tell me what Smokestack is saying in the video?


Lady Why said...

If I didn't know better, I would say one of those chicks is 'meowing'!

Great post!! And, I didn't understand a word of that clover increasing the 'palatability of the stand' and all that other official farm talk, but it sounded really great!

Keep up the good work!

all in the family said...

So glad you are updating more often. Especially for the friends that live out of state :o)