Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fall on the Farm

My favorite season is in full swing, and although the trees here are past their prime, they still maintain some of their autumnal glory. Hunting and trapping seasons are just around the corner, and the cooler temperatures are glorious. We've processed all of the chickens, so now my farm work is mostly bigger projects. :)

When the chickens were still on the pasture, I concentrated them on an area where we intend to grow an old-fashioned colored variety of popcorn next year, among other things. On Thursday I sowed some rye and crimson clover there and in the garden as a green manure.

We also have winter vegetables, mostly greens, planted in the garden. We're trying out a low tunnel model used in France, kind of like a miniature greenhouse. All low tunnels use plastic stretched tight over hoops. This particular idea uses 9 gauge wire for the hoops and twine to secure the plastic. So far it seems to be another reason to dislike France.

Underneath the plastic, we are growing cold-tolerant and cold-loving plants. Since our winters are so mild and our winter sunlight is greater than more northern areas, we hope to be able to grow right through the winter. We're growing:


Leeks- what? You don't see anything? Oh, those didn't come up.
Cabbage (there's also some spinach, but I didn't get a picture)
A Greens Mixture
Turnips (greens and roots, for the rabbits)
More Lettuce (We planted 8 varieties)
And, we have two squash plants that are desperately trying to set fruit.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I'm going to an organic production conference where I hope to meet other sustainable farmers from Alabama, as well as learning about some very good topics ranging from small fruits to field crops.

Oh, and Abigail told me to say hello.

Have a great weekend,


1 comment:

Mrs. Wolfe said...

You winter garden looks great! All of your plants look to be doing so well! :) I hope we can get our stuff started soon.

~Miss Poppins

P.S. Hello Abigail ;)